New Limitations Discovered with Quantum Error Suppression Methods PRX Quantum publishes work by Professor Lorenza Viola and postdoc Michiel Burgelman.
Winter Astronomy Night Feb. 1 Dartmouth's Physics and Astronomy department is hosting a very special public observing night this Saturday, Feb 1st!
Physics & Astronomy Open House Nov. 19 This event offers an excellent opportunity to explore graduate studies in our department and learn about our cutting-edge research programs!
Dartmouth Instrument Aboard NASA Rockets Studying Eclipses Kristina Lynch's lab is helping to gauge effects of eclipses on the upper atmosphere.
Robyn Millan Receives NASA Grant to Study Earth's Magnetosphere The multi-institutional project was chosen for a concept study as part of NASA's Heliophysics Small Explorers program.
Exploring the Life and Death of Stars Professor John Thorstensen and students in the Astronomy Foreign Study Program in South Africa discovered new details about the lifecycle of an unusual class of stars.
Violent Atmosphere Gives Rare Look at Early Planetary Life Neptune-sized planet strangely and sporadically burps hydrogen as it circles its sun.
Physics and Astronomy Major Discovers Two Exoplanets Similar in size and density to Neptune, the planets orbit a young, sun-like star.
Discovering the Faintest Galaxies in the Universe Ella Marin '25 received training on a world-class telescope in Chile as part of her research collaboration with Professor Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil.
Interplay of finite- and infinite-size stability in quadratic bosonic Lindbladians Mariam Ughrelidze, Vincent P Flynn, Emilio Cobanera, Lorenza Viola
Multiaxis quantum noise spectroscopy robust to errors in state preparation and measurement Muhammad Q. Khan, Wenzheng Dong, Leigh M. Norris, Lorenza Viola
Bounds to strong gravity from electron-positron annihilations near threshold Nathaniel Alden, Roberto Onofrio
Quench-induced spontaneous currents in rings of ultracold fermionic atoms Daniel Allman, Parth Sabharwal, Kevin Wright