Sample Interaction

Example Email to Faculty

Dear Dr. Einstein,


I am a Junior Astronomy Major, and I am interested in getting involved in research. I have taken/am enrolled in/plan to take <insert astronomy courses here>. Do you have space in your group for an undergraduate researcher, and if so, would you be willing to meet to discuss possible projects?


Thank you,


Example Response - Interested

Dear Taylor,


Thank you for reaching out! I have space in my group and I am happy to meet to discuss possible projects. I should be available in the next week at these days/times, in my office/on zoom. Let me know what day/time works for you.



Prof Einstein


Example Response - No Room

Dear Taylor,


Thank you for your interest! Unfortunately, I do not currently have space in my group for an undergraduate researcher. Please feel free to reach out to other faculty members in the department who may have room. You can also look at the undergrad event list at this website for events where faculty will recruit undergraduate researchers.



Prof Einstein