Course Offerings
PHYS 100 Mathematical Methods for Physicists
PHYS 103 Advanced Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 104 Statistical Mechanics I
PHYS 105 Electromagnetic Theory I
PHYS 106 Electromagnetic Theory II
PHYS 107 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
PHYS 109 Statistical Mechanics II
PHYS 110 Methods in Applied Mathematics II
PHYS 111 Plasma Kinetic Theory
PHYS 113 Microscopic Theory of Solids
PHYS 114 General Relativity and Cosmology
PHYS 116 Quantum Information Science
PHYS 118 Computational Plasma Dynamics
PHYS 124 Optical Devices and Systems
PHYS 126 Semiconductor Theory and Devices
PHYS 128 Methods of Materials Characterization
PHYS 129 Enterprise Experience Internship - Internship Proposal Form