Professor Robert L. Lysak, Uni. of Minnesota
March 26, 2015
Title: Alfvén Waves and Auroral Particle Acceleration (Video)
[more]Title: Alfvén Waves and Auroral Particle Acceleration (Video)
[more]Title: The Sun's Magnetic Activity, Space Weather, and Societal Impacts (Video)
[more]Title: "Solar Wind Interactions with the Earth and Comets" (Video)
[more]Title: Plasma Globes for Compact Antennas, Illumination, and Holiday Ornaments (Video)
[more]Ralph Gibson, a long-time member of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, works at his desk in Wilder Hall. Gibson is known for having one of the most eclectic and interesting offices on campus. (Photo by Joshua Renaud ’17)