Muni Zhou

|Assistant Professor
Academic Appointments

Assistant Professor

I study plasma physics using a combination of analytic theory and numerical experiments. I explore the role of multi-scale plasma processes in a wide range of space and astrophysical systems as well as nuclear fusion devices, most of which are in a turbulent state. My current research focuses include the origin of cosmic magnetic fields, plasma turbulence and dynamics including those in radiation-rich environments.


Wilder, Rm 222


Physics & Astronomy


  • Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2022)
  • B.Sc. Zhejiang University (2016)

Selected Publications

  • Muni Zhou, V. Zhdankin, M. W. Kunz, N. F. Loureiro & D. A. Uzdensky, Magnetogenesis in a collisionless plasma: from Weibel instability to turbulent dynamo. The Astrophysical Journal 960(1), 12 (2023)

    Muni Zhou, Z. Liu &  N. F. Loureiro, Electron heating in kinetic-Alfv\'en-wave turbulence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(23), e2220927120 (2023)

    Muni Zhou, V. Zhdankin, M. W. Kunz, N. F. Loureiro & D. A. Uzdensky, Spontaneous magnetization of collisionless plasmas through the action of a shear flow. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(19), e2119831119 (2022)

    Muni Zhou, N. F. Loureiro & D. A. Uzdensky, Multi-scale dynamics of magnetic flux tubes and inverse magnetic energy transfer. Journal of Plasma Physics, 86(4), 535860401 (2020)

    Muni Zhou & R. White, Collisional dependence of Alfvén mode saturation in tokamaks, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 58(12), 125006 (2016)