Lisa Kaltenegger, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics January 9, 2009 Topic: "Characterizing 'Pale Blue Dots' in the Sky - Spectral Fingerprint of Habitability" (Video) [more]
Engineering-Physics Space Plasma Seminar - Professor Benjamin Chandran, UNH Wilder 202 & Zoom Title: "Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in Astrophysical Plasmas"
Physics & Astronomy Colloquium - Professor Karl Krushelnick, UMICH Wilder 104 and Zoom Title: "The ZEUS Petawatt laser facility and high field science research at the University of Michigan"
Engineering-Physics Space Plasma Seminar - NASA STEM GRANT WINNERS, Hanover High Wilder 202 & Zoom Title: "High-Altitude Balloon Investigations of Gravity Waves and Solar-Terrestrial Interactions During Eclipses and CMEs"
Physics & Astronomy Colloquium - Professor Akira Sone, UMB Wilder 104 and Zoom Title: "Variational Quantum Algorithms and the Path to Quantum Sensing in NISQ Era"
Physics & Astronomy Colloquium - Professor Nicolas Yunes, Illinois University Wilder 104 and Zoom Title: TBA