Dominik Schneble, Stony Brook University
October 25, 2013
Topic: "Exploring Atomic Matter-Wave Dynamics in Lattice Potentials" (Video)
[more]Topic: "Exploring Atomic Matter-Wave Dynamics in Lattice Potentials" (Video)
[more]Topic: "Time: Problems and Arrows" (Video)
[more]Topic: "Electronic Detection and Diagnosis of Health and Illness of Premature Infants" (Video)
[more]Topic: "Off the Extreme Energy Cliff From Space" (Video)
[more]Topic: "Branched flow of waves and rays in quantum mechanics, oceanography, acoustics, and more" (Video) Abstract: The familiar twinkling of starlight or the pattern of sunlight on a pool bottom is the beginning of the phenomenon of branched flow, which applies to both waves and rays. It is a beautiful and poorly studied phenomenon, given its ubiquity. We illustrate, explain, and discuss the applicability across many fields of science.