Dartmouth Events

Physics & Astronomy Colloquium - Professor Karl Krushelnick, UMICH

Title: "The ZEUS Petawatt laser facility and high field science research at the University of Michigan"

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Wilder 104 and Zoom
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts and Sciences, Lectures & Seminars

Abstract: The Zettawatt Equivalent Ultrashort pulse laser System (ZEUS) is a National Science Foundation-funded user facility located in the Gerard Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (CUOS) at Michigan which has just completed its first year of operations. Next year the laser system will be operating at full power (3-Petawatts). This presentation will describe the  different capabilities of the facility and current laser operations  as well as results of ongoing research including laser wakefield acceleration of multi-GeV electron beams and x-ray generation. 


Hosted by Professor Muni Zhou

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Email Physics.Department@dartmouth.edu for passcode

For more information, contact:
Tressena Manning

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.