Dartmouth Events

Physics & Astronomy Q/N Seminar - Prof. Stefanos Kourtis, Univ. of Sherbrooke

Title: "Qubit Vitrification and Entanglement Criticality on a Quantum Simulator"

3 pm – 4 pm
Wilder 202 & Zoom
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts and Sciences, Lectures & Seminars

Abstract: Many elusive quantum phenomena emerge from the interaction of a quantum system with its classical environment. Quantum simulators enable us to program this interaction by using measurement operations. Measurements generally remove part of the quantum entanglement built between the qubits inside a simulator. While in simple cases entanglement may disappear at a constant rate as we measure qubits one by one, the evolution of entanglement under measurements for a given class of quantum states is generally unknown. In this talk, I will show that consecutive measurements of the qubits in a quantum simulator can lead to criticality, separating two phases of entanglement. We prepare an entangled superposition of ground states to a classical spin model and show that progressively measuring the qubits drives the simulator into a spin glass phase of entanglement. By entangling and measuring up to 48 qubits in this fashion, we determine the vitrification point and its critical exponent, which obey spin glass theory exactly.

J. Cote and S. Kourtis, Nat. Commun. 13, 7395 (2022).

Host: Ph.D. students of James Whitfield

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Tressena Manning

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.