Dartmouth Events

Physics and Astronomy/Thayer Plasma Seminar - San Lu, UCLA

Title: "Onset of Magnetic Reconnection in Earth’s Magnetotail"

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
4:00pm – 5:00pm
Zoom: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/95846561477?pwd=WGp5UDJXNVVaVFp2QVVqY0xGZFlNdz09 (email for password)
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars

Abstract: Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental plasma process, which converts magnetic energy into particle energy via topological changes in magnetic fields. It occurs ubiquitously in space and throughout the universe, and it is believed to be responsible for various explosive phenomena. Magnetic reconnection in Earth’s magnetotail plays a crucial role in the most important explosive phenomena in Earth’s magnetosphere, storms and substorms, which involve a sudden transition from a quiescent state to a rapid energy release. How this transition begins, i.e., the onset of magnetotail reconnection, however, has been a long-standing conundrum. I will talk about the theoretical and simulation efforts in the past 50 years devoted to explain the onset of magnetotail reconnection, which have led to several distinct, evolutionary mechanisms. I will also talk about spacecraft observations as experimental evidences for these mechanisms.

P. L. Pritchett and F. V. Coroniti (2011), GRL 38, L10102
M. I. Sitnov, N. Buzulukova, M. Swisdak, V. G. Merkin, and T. E. Moore (2013), GRL 40, 22
Y.-H. Liu, J. Birn, W. Daughton, M. Hesse, and K. Schindler (2014), JGR 119, 9773
For more information, contact:
Tressena Manning

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.